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Dawn Wilson

Gestalt Psychotherapist, Deep-brain Reorienting and Wavepaths practitioner.

Qualifications: BSc  Biological Sciences (Hons), PG Diploma Social Studies (CQSW), Diploma Gestalt Therapy (EGI), Dip Gestalt Psychotherapy (GPTI/UKCP).

Accreditation: GPTI & UKCP accred.

Availability: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday daytime. Working Online and In-person

Price per session: negotiable, sliding scale from £75.

​​​Deep Brain Re-orienting and Wavepaths work to be negotaited.

Gestalt Psychotherapy offers a method of exploring whatever you feel is impacting on your mental/physical well being. You may have had a recent crisis, shock or dilemma or a persistent return of familiar themes over a long period of time. Psychotherapy supports understanding how the past and present connect and how you can be more alive to your future life. We will attend to your needs holistically and safely.... the work is unique to you and what your interests are. It is a trauma informed and trauma responsive therapy.


My background is in Biology, the Arts, and Social Work/Education. I have an interest in creative methods of supporting the therapy process. I currently offer sessions working with the music only component of the Wavepaths ™ medicine system and sessions using the Deep Brain Reorienting DBR ™ approach to trauma work. I am Dance of Awareness ™ trained and hope to develop therapeutic movement to music in my one to one and a group practice. For further info on sessions using these specific methodologies please check my website. 


I offer individual, couple and family therapy and offer Supervision, Consultancy and Training with children and adults on a wide range of issues and themes.


I am an accredited (UKCP) Gestalt Psychotherapist, with 15 years experience. I am a member of the Gestalt Psychotherapy and Training Institute (GPTI) and am governed and adhere to their code of practice and ethical code. I am committed to supporting inclusivity, diversity and difference. I feel we all have the right to belong without having to fit in ... to be accepted for who were are, not who others wish us to be.


Whether you feel in crisis ... are interested in becoming less stuck ... wish to live more fully or in a more enlivened way ...or are just struggling to reconnect with the world ....please just get in touch.

Contact me:

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